God’s Work. Our Hands.
September 29th is
God’s Work. Our Hands ELCA event!
Please join us on September 29th for the ‘God’s Work. Our Hands’ synod event! St. Philip will be celebrating our calling to love and serve others with an opportunity to enjoy connecting through worship, fellowship, and service. What could be better?
We will start with a united worship service at 10 am, then will gather for a covered dish lunch in Luther Hall. Once we are finished eating, we will continue enjoying each other’s company while we focus on serving our community.
Covered-dish Lunch
We will celebrate fellowship together by brining a food dish to share our favorite foods!
The Fellowship Team will provide the goods to be grilled & condiments—and the Men’s Pub Ministry will do the grilling! (Hamburgers, Veggie burgers and Hot Dogs are on the menu). Everything else will be brought by you!
In order to plan for the day, please RSVP using this Link. In addition so indicating how many people will attend, on the link you will also find a list of Food Categories, with some suggestions—you don’t have to bring something that is listed—AND you don’t need to decide on a specific dish—but please pick a category and enter it in the Comment section. Categories include: Vegetables, Side Crunch & Assorted Yummies, Fruit and of course Dessert!
Opportunities for service at St. Philip:
Blessing Bags: Bags with food for members to take and hand out to folks in need.
St. Philip College Students: Care Packages
Individually packaged sweet and salty snacks both for the college care packages, and future Brown Bag Ministry lunches.
Send a card Ministry: Send cards to our local first responders, homebound members and others. Cards and postage will be provided.
If you have questions, please email Kai Thurow at [email protected]